Brandon Shirk

Deacon Chairman

Brandon & Sherri Shirk


Brandon Shirk has been attending LVBC since he was born in 1984. He met his wife Sherri, from South Lebanon Community Church, and was married in 2006. They have 2 children, Maddie (10) and Micah (7).

Brandon was involved in the youth ministry for 19 years, including 12 years as Youth Director. Brandon and Sherri are thrilled to currently lead the Newly Wed and Nearly Wed Sunday School class. Brandon and Sherri also serve in various other ministries throughout the church, including VBS, AWANA, nursery and several committees in the past.

He is an architect with KCI Design in Mechanicsburg, PA, specializing in transportation architecture and was even the architect for the numerous building projects throughout Lebanon Valley, such as the FLC Basement.

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