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We look forward to joining together as fellow believers each week in corporate worship of our great God and Savior.

Because we believe true worship is defined by a life of obedience and dedication to God on the part of every believer (Romans 12:1-2), we recognize that our times of corporate worship represent and reflect the cumulative expression of each believer’s devotion to the Lord.

Though we find our time of worship indeed strengthens our faith,  unifies, comforts, convicts, and encourages us, we believe our primary goal in worship as a church body is to bring pleasure and glory to God. We believe the attitudes and actions of each worshipper should be consistent with Ephesians 4:2, where we are called to forbear with one another in love, and I Thessalonians 5:18, where we are called to thanksgiving and praise, as is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

We believe that our worship should be done in spirit (heartfelt) and in truth (grounded in the Word of God) (John 4:24). This pertains to our music as well, with our corporate exaltation of God being enriched through the use of, “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, (as we) sing with thankfulness in our hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16).

We believe that God-honoring music, like God-honoring preaching and God-honoring living, is that which proclaims, and is consistent with, Biblical truth. Because of this, as we incorporate the use of both traditional and modern hymns and praise songs in our worship, our focus is not on styles, methods, skills or techniques.

Our heart-felt prayer is that everyone who joins with us for worship will be conscious of our desire to first and foremost magnify the name and person of our Lord Jesus Christ and to make him pre-eminent in all that we do.